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M-Wash Buffer, 24 ml

Price$ 34.45
  • SKU: ZD5002-4
  • Size: 24 ml

Frequently Bought Together

Total price: $ 172.47

This item: M-Wash Buffer, 24 ml $ 34.45

M-Binding Buffer-Gold, 125 ml $ 80.06

M-Desulphonation Buffer, 40 ml $ 57.96

M-Wash Buffer, 24 ml

Room Temperature

Wash solution used in the process of purifying bisulfite converted DNA in the EZ DNA Methylation, EZ DNA Methylation - Gold, EZ DNA Methylation - Direct kits, and EZ DNA Methylation - Lightning kits.

0.1 lbs

2.00 x 2.00 x 4.00

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