The solid-state EchoTherm Large, Heavy-Duty, Digital, Electronic Chilling/Heating Dry Bath is versatile, reliable and easy to use. Dry bath incubator can freeze, chill, or heat a variety of tube sizes including 0.2, 0.5, 2.0, 15 and 50 ml.
It has easy to use digital controls and a two line alphanumeric digital display that is back lit for easy reading, displaying target and actual temperatures. It will collect 8110 data points. This dry bath has a RS232C interface. It has an audible alarm and auto shut off.
The chilling/heating surface is a 5 inch (12.7 cm) square aluminum plate that is very flat for optimal contact with your sample. When unloaded, the plate surface will reach below 0°C in under two minutes. It will also heat to 37°C in approximately 3 minutes. This rate of chilling or heating may vary with the load on the plate.
Compact and portable design requires minimal bench space.
10 lbs
9.50 x 11.00 x 5.00